Thursday, February 28, 2008

My boycott is over... :)


The evil redhead librarian has left the building...


I had a run in with this librarian 4 years ago. It was not a good experience and I vowed to never set foot in that library as long as she was in charge.

I read in the newspaper today that she has accepted a post elsewhere and that friend of mine's girlfriend has accepted the newly vacant post...

Yay for Beth and yay for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

I missed the library, but I'm glad I stood my ground.



A new challenge...

I have decided to commit myself to a triathlon...

I know what you are thinking...

Deb, are you crazy?

and yes I am....


I know i can jog, and i know i can bike.... but the swim....?

Are we allowed to wear lifejackets? (kidding)....

I bought a new bathing suit... and a bike...

I have until the end of August to train for it...

I am a little bit scared but mostly excited....


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

All it takes...

... sometimes, fresh air is all you need.


I got out with Geneva for a walk this morning. We walked to the mall, i tied her to a post, and I ran in and bought a book called "Coming to our Senses" by Jon Kabat-zinn. I then headed over to Tim Hortans to get a coffee and sit outside and read.

Geneva laid by my table and I dove into my new book.

I felt good. The day was already looking up.


I didn't get very much reading done though.

I had no fewer than 6 different people come up and talk to me while i sat there.

One man commented on my possibly being the first person this year to sit at the tables outside, inviting the sun to shine on the book i read. he then wished me a fantastic day.

One lady brought a cup of water out to Geneva because she saw her licking the snow and ice.

(Geneva eats snow and ice... but i didn't tell her that.... I just thanked her for her thoughtfulness.)

A guy i was in firefighting with a couple of years ago, came over and talked to me a bit. His girlfriend and I were pregnant together.

Then Jimmy stopped by to get a coffee while a nearby car dealership was giving his car an oil change. I asked if he was bringing his son to Cub's Wednesday night. But he said he worked and his wife probably would.

Even Dan, a Cub leader, was yelling out of a vehicle, taunting and trying to tease me, while he was in drive thru. But I teased back and the poor guy never knew what hit him....

I was on fire.........


I am now getting ready to go find (and hopefully buy) a bike and a bike trailer...

I'll leave you with another quote:

this time from Henry David Thoreau in Walden...

"I went to the woods because i wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if i could not learn what it had to teach and not, when i came to die, discover that i had not lived."

.... i think i need a moment......... or two...........

Today is not a good day.


"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you."

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sleigh Ride 'Feb'08

Yes, that is my son in a t-shirt and pants.... in the snow...

we can safely say that he is my son through and through....

Haven was the Mayor of Meltdownland, Drew hid in the shadows, and Myles ate 5 veggie hotdogs....

It was a great time... the best year yet!!!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

the lifeguard freakshow

My day was a head-shaker from start to finish.


After taking the kids to the Beaver Buggy/Cub Car Races at the mall, during which my youngest two ended up having meltdown after meltdown, I banished the three of us to the Van to allow Drew and Myles to enjoy themselves....

Myles came third in the race.

Yay. :)

After all that, I figured the day could only get better..... right?


I decided to take the kids to Moncton to go swimming at the YMCA.


I had no idea what a bad idea that was.

I had been promising them for A YEAR that we would go there someday... and today was that very day...


After roaming the Champlaine Mall for over an hour looking for swimming trunks for my two oldest, unbeknownst to me, the meltdown fairy had followed us to Moncton and casted evil spells on my youngest two in Sears...


However, it was ME that just about flogged a lifeguard to death when we finally made it to the YMCA.


We walked onto the pool deck and the trouble began.

Lifeguard said: We were not wearing bathing caps.

I fixed that.

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard said: Haven was not allowed to wear her Water wings. (Dept of Transportation rule?)


I fixed that and put a life jacket on her.

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard said: Kale wasn't allowed in a wading pool for 12 year olds.

I fixed that.

5 minutes later -

Lifeguard said : Haven wasn't allowed in the deep end with her life jacket on.

I fixed that.

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard got after Myles for cuttting through the lane for lane swimmers

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard got after Haven for entering the tot pool without using the stairs.

5 minutes later-

Kale got into trouble for entering the tot pool without using the stairs....


I was losing my compassion by the milisecond....

then it happened...

the unthinkable...


My kids were getting upset and starting to realize how we were being singled out for doing EVERYTHING wrong.

Drew wanted to leave.

I told him not to sneeze wrong or we'd get kicked out for sure...


and then... he got upset at Kale for something... so I told Drew to sit on what i thought was the side of the pool and and calm down, and not word of a lie, 3 minutes later the lifeguard came over and told him he wasn't allowed to sit there...

I started laughing and laughing and said outloud.... "OMG we are NEVER coming back to this pool. It is sooo aweful here."

We got our stuff together and we left....


We RAN out of the building and even Kale was saying, "We are NOT ever going back there ok mommy?"

What a shame too because we had built it up in our heads that it was going to be so fantastic... and then it was such a let down...

They have basically done everything they can to not let kids have fun...

and drive the parents an inch away from the Psychward fairy....


At 2am came the knock on the door...

I was asleep...

Then i heard it...

bang bang bang...

I checked the time on my phone. 2am. I then decided I imagined it.

Bang Bang Bang.

I get up and go downstairs to see who it is.

A red car is in my driveway I do not recognise...

I open the door and there is a guy from my local pizza place.


He is holding something... yummmm....

I mumble something about him being at the wrong address. He apologises profusely and leaves...

No harm done.

I went back to bed and fell asleep.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

heard on the battlefront...

"Don't flush it if you didn't pee in it..."


-Haven has developed a newfound addiction to "flushing"....

Computerized Axial Tomography Scan....

I got "axial-ally" scanned today.

It was supposed to happen next week but my appointment got bumped up.

I got a full scan done and will get the results in two weeks.

Today was a busy but good day overall. I bought each of the kids a journal book so I can write in it each day and tell them about what they are like. I rearranged my downstairs (again) and feel a bit better.

I moved the TV to the diningroom so I can have more room for my yoga and my livingroom can finally be more of a sitting area.

I didn't work out today and feel abit guilty. I have been seeing some joggers out and about and have decided to stop torturing myself on the treadmill. I guess I can always be a bit more "hard core".

My kitchen currently looks like something from a "How Clean is Your House?" episode. I better get off my rearend and get to it....


Monday, February 18, 2008


I love the idea of making what i need.

I make my own laundry soap and am currently in the process of trying a granola bar recipe.

It is raining out and I am getting ready to snuggle into some Harry Potter movies as soon as Haven goes down for a nap...

Drew and Myles each did some fantastic math pages today. They remain focused and motivated to get the math books done that i bought. If they get them done by March Break then they get to go to Krystal Palace.


Unfortuneately, I am avoiding the mess of papers and junk in my computer room... I have a whole corner that is taken over... it has been a mess for a week. I need to do it... I just need the oomph...

maybe later...

the granola bars just beeped...


Sunday, February 17, 2008


Last night I went over to my mother's house and did some scrapbooking. My younger sister was there as well and I organized all of my materials.

Then i came home and got ready to go out with some friends.


I showed up approx 20 minutes earlier than my friends, and quite contentedly sat alone at a table and watched some of the highlights from the "All Star Slam Dunk Contest" on TSN.

My friends showed up and the dancing began.

I wasn't drinking, but my friends all were.

It was a good night. I was mindful and enjoyed the time i was there. I even got to practise some "metta."

Metta (pali) translates into "loving kindness, a friendly attitude".

While i was in the washroom i heard a girl lavishly bragging to her friends about a half marathon she had run. As I left the stall I had been in, I saw the young girl and was immediately impressed she had run a half. She was in good shape, but seemed so young.

I can remember feeling compassion for her need to brag, and yet still happy for her. In my mind I wished her happiness and the ability to continue running.

This is a huge breakthrough in terms of my learning about Buddhism.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

post scriptum.........


Well, the day is done.


And all in all, it wasn't that bad.

I felt a smidge guilty that Geneva never got walked today, (but then again, I feel guilty anyday that she doesn't get walked) but the ice is pretty scarey out there ....

I also would have liked to have had a reason to put on a hot red dress and nice shoes and gone out somewhere to do something... ANYTHING.... lol....... but it wasn't in the stars this year...

Oh well, life goes on......


Tomorrow is "surprize breakfast day".

I intend on trying to make pancakes with smarties in them...

Good thing I live 20 feet from the Fire Station...


goodnight y'all.....


Happy Valentines Day!

Other than not feeling 100%, I am having a great day.

Last night I ended up giving Haven 2 Toddler Tylonal and soon she was fast asleep. The 4 children's Tylonal that I took finally kicked in and there was sleep for me as well.


This morning was busy as the kids were anxious to go and spend their allowences. We did some running around delivering Valentines and then it was time to visit with Daddy.

So I, trying to judge how sick i was, went to the YMCA to work out. I lasted a mere 30 minutes on the treadmill. That is all I had to give. But I supopose 30 minutes on a sick day is better than nothing ....

Now I am home getting ready to go and get some groceries.

My clothes dryer is broken and tonight I will need to rig up some indoor clothes lines to dry my clothes...

I suppose Spring is near-ish...

My dryer can wait until the summer to get fixed.


Tonight I am taking my kids to the Open Mic Night as a Valentine's surprize. They had alot of fun last time. Haven danced and the boys played checkers.

It is a good day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have had a raging bad headache for the last 4 hrs that brings tears when i go into a coughing fit (which is alot). And I have no tylonal...or advil.... but i did take 4 children's pain meds....

maybe that'll do something?


And then Haven woke up at 9pm after sleeping since since 8pm and has been crying for the last 2hrs straight. When I ask her what is wrong, she says "bedtime". She has gone from my bed, to her bed, to my bed, to her bed, to downstairs, and now she is back upstairs.

My entire body is exhausted from coughing.

My compassion is being tested with this child up screaming whilst i have a raging headache and terrible cold...

(I can hear her coming back downstairs...)

But... I do feel better now that I have shared my pain...

i hurt....

i dont say that very often...

but right now, I hurt....


In need of interpretation ...

Here was my dream last night... feel free to tell me what you think it means....


I dreamed that i was being held captive in a building that was 7 stories high. We were being held on the top floor.

I was being held with other people but... they were useless... I was always trying to think of a way to escape and they would just sitting there like it didn't matter. We were in a large room that had boarded up windows and we were watched constantly. There must have been 11 capturers and they really didn't know what to do with us. Then on about the third day, one of the guys brought in a table. That scared me because i imagined them cutting me up whilst i was tied to this table... so when they opened the door to the room... I acted like i was going to run out of the room.

but i hesitated.

And the two guys standing in the hallway said "what? you gonna run?".

Then i thought to myself, they really dont think i will.

So I did.


I ran and ran down halllways and stairs to the 6th floor and then the 5th and then I could hear the guys laughing behind me and gaining on me. I turned another corner and it was all windows. There was a large hill outside. I contemplated this as i picked up speed to attempt jumping through the sheet of glass/window so that i would land on the hill....

I thought i had no other way to escape.... so through the glass i jumped and i did land on the hill (just like in the movies) and i got up and I kept running but there were no people in Amherst.... I ran up and down streets yelling for help....

but Amherst had been abandoned.....

dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Monday, February 11, 2008

here comes "hateful"

Yup thats me...


I cannot remember the last time i was this stuffed up. Vicks Vapo Rub is my best friend and Halls Cough Drops are like Mother's Milk.

I have tried to avoid people today but then i thought it best to put my "crank" to creative use.

And that is just what i did.


I commented on some online articles...

Gave my 2 cents worth...

Here are the links....

Incase you are THAT bored...


and then here I left two comments....

I have always been opinionated, but now i am sick and tired and angry and opinionated...

baddddddd combination......


Monday is Cancelled

I have two Chalkboards in my kitchen. The large green one was a gift from my dad. It gets alot of use. I know this because the company that makes chalkboard chalk sent me an email thanking me for my financial support.



The kids tend to write me notes on it when they are feeling bored or sad or mad. So i decided to let them know how i was feeling this morning when i woke up....

The other chalkboard (the black one) was one that I made. I bought chalkboard paint and painted the area where a doorway used to be.

I love my Chalkboards.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mucking on through

Well, as you all know... today happened...

And I managed to convince my body to move around a bit. But not much. I had the boys do some math tonight and make "piggybanks". I have decided to give all my kids an allowence every two weeks.

I also recognise that March Break is coming up soon and that my kids are going to want to go to Crystal Palace in Dieppe. So I have started a Mathapolooza of sorts for the next couple of days.

Myles is completeing his Grade 2 Math book (he has been begging to go to Grade 3) and I have bumped Drew up to Grade 5 Math for kicks...

Grade 5 math entails alot of fractions and area and word problems...

Even I find it challenging... fun, but challenging...

Drew is also working on geography...

I never knew how little i knew until i started homeschooling...


The bottom...


I know my limits.

And the Sleigh Ride that planned for this afternoon for 4H, is going to have to go on without me...

And I feel bad because it was also supposed to be a general meeting.

But seriously my entire body is being ravaged by this "no oomph wanna be cold" virus. And except for throwing some food at the kids from time to time... I intend on sitting still and researching Mic Mac's for most of the day.

I might play some guitar.......


I just looked at it and my arms and fingers yelled out in protest.


I am in a constant state of exhaustion... so my compassion is paramount, where as i haven't the firey spark needed to get angry... but I'll you... I am losing my patience with my newpaper. It has been over a month and my Blogs are not being posted. And last year there were times when i would blog about an event coming up and it would be posted after the event happened.

Oh well.

Like i said.... no spark...

Tomorrow night i heard there is meditation over at the University. I might go over and look into it.



It is snowing here now...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Myles said:

"Sucking my thumb is my life."

Kale's Kwotes

"Hey Mom, look at all those sticks in that tree!"

it sucks to be my kids today...

I had all the plans today...

...baking cookies, swimming at the ymca, hiking, sledding...


but i got landed with the "no oomph..." virus.

I am kinda sick, the all over tired kinda sick.

No patience, no creativity, no... fun.....

Just the thought of having to make lunch soon, exhausts me.

I want to curl up and sleep for days.

But then there is a little voice inside me that says:


My kids are going to have to entertain themselves today...

Mommy is taking a sick day...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Another Dr's appointment... another Cat Scan...

My family Doctor sent me to the General Surgeon today in my town about a suspicious mark on my toe.

Dr. Van Boxel took a look at it and decided it was a bruise.

He then checked me over quicky and is going to remove some other "marks" he doesn't like. He is also setting me up with another Cat Scan. He seemed surprised that i wasn't going to be followed up by my Dr's in Halifax that removed my cancer 2 years ago...

I have been thinking alot lately about getting another Cat Scan and the peace of mind that it brings. So as soon as Van Boxel mentioned it, I was excited for it.

but ug...

More scars...


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Anywhere but here...

Today was supposed to be different, but i seem to be carryng the baggage from the last few days and how aweful they have been.

I have the kids all ready to go somewhere, anywhere but here.

Getting out of the house and getting some fresh air might help my mood...

it always seems to help...

I hope it does today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's 11:39am

Geneva hath bathed-ith



She didn't seem to mind it either...

...this kids all chanting "shake,shake, shake"

started to annoy me, but only briefly...


It never ends....


Myles was taking a hot pizza pan out of the oven (without my permission)...and when he did he sideswiped Haven who was sitting at the table.


She started bawling and then knocked over her hot chocolate which got on her hands and she cried harder.


Myles started bawling because he felt bad...

i am thinking that it is bedtime...

"bedtime everybody"


being tested and failing

I am being tested.

It is crazy.

Kale was up all last night screaming with an ear infection. Kyle had taken him to the hospital Saturday night for the same reason and had recieved a perscription... which he didn't fill the next day... because he didn't think that pharmasies were open on Sundays...

an honest mistake .... ?

But i was still seething with anger... then ... compassion... what else could I do?

I gave Kale some Tylonal and rubbed his back until he crashed.

But then this morning the kids were testing me.... and I failed...


They drove me crazy begging for every breakfast food under the sun and I caved... then they wanted to get their own cereal and ended up pouring salt instead of sugar on it...

wow... such a simple mistake...

but to me... still semi-upset at Kyle, no sleep, and feeling aweful about yesterdays horrid excuse for somethign that would never pass for parenting....

I failed...

I am trying to salvage the day from here...

I just dont want to mess things up worse than i already have...


I need my oomph and my sence of humour back...

I better start looking...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Maybe a quote will help....

“Never retreat, never retract, never apologize; just get the thing done and let them howl. ”

Nellie McClung


It is one of those days.


You know what I mean...?

I am experiencing one of those days where you want to be anywhere but where you are...

The weight of the world, nothing seems to be going right, the tears are just waiting for the right moment.

I can't explain why I feel this way...

And of course i feel guilt... I should be happy... I have lots to be happy about.

But I am not happy...

not right now...


Let's talk alternatives...


I have been on a huge veggie sausage kick.

I eat them once a day. Saurkraught, mustard..... toasted bun...


The brand that I buy is called "Spicy Italian Veggie sausages by YVES"...

If you enjoy sausages.... you might enjoy these ones... as a matter of fact, buy them and then try and pass them off as meat ones and see if anyone notices...

It seems as though the second someone finds out that something is "healthy", they will assume that it tastes like crap....


now i am hungry....

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A guitar... an SG

This is a cub car cut out and painted to look like an SG...

I am going to be attempting a pink one...


It is good to be Ikki....


Back on the Blog Train

Well, here it goes.

Me despirately trying to imagine what on earth to write about.

My fan base is begining to turn on me. I am currently on the phone with my sister who is within the throws of telling me the flogging i am going to recieve if i don't get to blabbing about my life...

So, I guess i'll write about that fact that I am taking some satifaction in leaving comments to articles on the Amherst Daily News Website. My editor hasn't been posting my blogs so I had to find an outlet.

Maybe Brad is on vacay or maybe he is sick....

who knows...


but in the meanwhile, I get a mild kick out of leaving my opinion to what others have written.

In other news,

I went to the movies last night to see "The Bucketlist"... and I must say that it was much much better than i was expecting it to be. I even got choked up at one point and couldn't breathe.

This has happened 2 other times where i got emotionally upset to the point of not being able to breathe. One of those 2 times was when i saw my 7 year old running for me at the end of the Marathon I ran last year.

What a scarey feeling. I find it hard to breathe... but i still get oxygen.... I pretended that it isn't happening but it is still very scarey.

here i am now....

I am waiting for my kids to arrive.

Kyle is taking Myles to Beavers (they are making Beaver Buggies).... and then I am going to my sister's SuperBowl Party.



I'll blog more later...

gotta have some tea...

and finish my laundry...