Sunday, December 30, 2007

back on the wagon...

I woke up this morning and did yoga.

Yoga in and of itself is hard work.

Especially when you have never been flexible to begin with, haven't done it in months, and with 4 children in the room trying to steal the chair your leg is resting precariously on.

Yoga in my house is a challenge.


Gosh... I love a challenge!!!

Then I weighed myself.


I am definately not happy with the number. I have gained almost 10 pounds in the last month but... today all that is gonna change.


I am officially back on the wagon. I am going to start exercising regularly, get back with Sparkpeople to be accountable for what I eat... and when Club Chub starts back up in the new year... there will be veggies to eat, no dip!!!

Well, maybe that is a bit over the top...


I have given my word at being at the top of my game for an Eco-challenge in April. It is a 24 hr Search and Rescue event involving alot of running through the tough terrain of the back woods of Nova Scotia and, ug... compass work.

So run I shall.

And work on my compass work I shall...

And eat healthy I shall...

Starting 3 hrs ago...

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