Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'll see your 3 questions and raise you 10...

1 : What color looks best on you? brown.

2 : If they were making the movie about your life... who would you choose to play you? Drew Barrimore.

3: If you were made Prime Minister, what is the first law you'd change? The law that gives the ability for politicians to raise their pay themselves...

4: What famous Canadian would you like to meet? Rick Mercer

5: What have you learned today that you didn't know yesterday? how to spell crocodile.

6: What book are you reading now... or the last book you read? Alive.

7: If you won a 10,000 shopping spree at a store... which store would you like it to be at? MEC.

8: What word do you say often enough that it annoys you? Fantastic.

9: Are you afraid of June bugs? No.

10 : Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Yes, my Sorels.

11: What group did you belong to in high school? The "most likely to be mayor or a serial killer" group...

12: If money were no object, where would you live? Wentworth.

13: If you could play an instrument really well.. which one would it be? Drums...

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