Sunday, November 25, 2007

"The autumn moon lights my way"...

I have decided, in the last 24 hrs, to move to Nunavut and raise malamutes.


I have a great sense of humour, really i do... but wow, ....

Not only are the planets aligned against me, they are taking great satisfaction at mocking me as well...

Tonight I went to the Hockey game with my sister and Randy. It was a good game, however, Tammy decided after the game that she didn't want to go out dancing after-all, so I took her home.

Randy is newly single (and not from town, poor guy) so i promised to take him to the bar and help him find his groove again.

Upon arriving at the bar I suddenly decided against going in. It wasn't a good night, there was a full moon with an erie ring, the wind was blowing from the wrong direction... I had a thousand reasons to go back home...

We stood on the street and I was given a verbal whooping of sorts.

In the end, my compassion for Randy trumped my need to crawl into a hole ...

I was his friend and he wanted to meet a girl. We went in and he showed me a thing or two about being not shy. He had the guts of a Spartan. He would approach any girl and say anything. It was fantastic to watch.


But alas, my comfort zone decreased exponentially as the younger crowd overwhelmed the bar and by 1am i wanted to retire... all this matchmaking was exhausting...

I walked home, the wind blowing from the wrong direction, the erie moon shining down...

"ah, sometimes I grow so tired"

... that was 4 hrs ago.

I tried to sleep but my thoughts were annoyingly painful.

I guess I'll "ramble on"...

... i always feel better after a jog... 10km should do it....


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