Sunday, November 18, 2007

The topic of "death"came up...

Myles is my "obsessor".

Last year, a dog got hit by a car infront of our house. Myles took it hard. He didn't stop talking about it for days...

Tonight, the topic of "death" rears it's inexplicable head again...

He was overwhelmed with fear... and he cried and cried... I wiped away his tears and told him that everyone thinks about death. And that everyone has different opinions.

We talked about what some religions believe happens to you when you die.

He does not seem convinced that "Heaven" is the way to go. He does like the idea of coming back as an animal... but he wants to pick the animal. And it has to be an animal that doesn't have any enemies...


I suggested a Polar Bear.

And he seems ok with that for a while ... but then the idea of the fact that everyone will die someday... it gets to him...

I love that he is thinking so deeply and thoughtfully about death...


However, it is one of those parenting moments that you feel at a loss... there are no answers... only opinions...

If he asks me what is the scientific name for a Balsam Fir is... I can give the right answer... but this... this death talk... such a challenge...

sink or swim time....

and... he has already asked to sleep in my bed tonight... poor thing...

and of course I said yes...

I have this big old useless bed... I should just give it away... and sleep on the couch...

but that is another blog entirely...


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