Sunday, March 2, 2008

Havenbob Brokentoepants

When i mentioned my swimming lengths at the YMCA the other day, I failed to mention Haven's encounter with (what I am saying was) a door.

While I waqsswimming, Haven and Kale were being babysat by YMCA staff.

After my 30 lengths, I sat in the sauna...



After 5 minutes the babysitter came to the door of the sauna and told me that Haven was fine. (this is always a mom's first clue that their child might not be fine)...

She informed me that Haven's toe had been hurt, was bleeding, and she was screaming, but it was under control. I sat back and smiled and said "ok."

She obviously expected more of a reaction from me...

And had she uttered the words "ambulance" or "911"... yah i would have grabbed my towel and saught out my child...

But after 4 kids and thousands of bumps... a bleeding toe is nothing to run half crazed to the bathroom for...

But I could tell that the babysitter wanted me to follow her, so i did.

And honestly, Haven's toe looked AWEFUL!!!


Dried blood on both feet, on the bottoms of her pants...


But the good news is: She can walk on it, and wiggle it, and doesn't cry, so I doubt that it is broken...

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