Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring fever...

Myles wants to go biking bad...

As do I.

I cannot wait to hook up the bike trailer and take Kale and Haven out for a drive.


This morning Myles and his friend woke up around 7:30am.... Logan's Mom came to get him around 9am and then Myles and I left for Tim Hortans. We had so much fun there. After 20 minutes of him begging me for math questions... (March break doesn't apply to this deschooling family) ... we then tore apart the box that his donut had come in and he wanted to make cell phones with the handles...


our "pretend cellphones" even had the camera option... then i called Santa and the Toothfairy.... Myles was less than impressed...


Today I have more planning for the Superhero Sleepovver party, Drew has a birthday party to go to, I have laundry and dishes to finish and 3 blogs to get on....

Right now I am watching Hulk to get questions written up for the Superhero Jeopardy...

things are good...

I would have liked to workout today but it wasn't in the cards... i think i will do yoga after the Hulk and then maybe again before bed...

Looking ahead to tomorrow, I want to get Myles a new winter jacket and get some groceries...

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