Saturday, February 23, 2008

the lifeguard freakshow

My day was a head-shaker from start to finish.


After taking the kids to the Beaver Buggy/Cub Car Races at the mall, during which my youngest two ended up having meltdown after meltdown, I banished the three of us to the Van to allow Drew and Myles to enjoy themselves....

Myles came third in the race.

Yay. :)

After all that, I figured the day could only get better..... right?


I decided to take the kids to Moncton to go swimming at the YMCA.


I had no idea what a bad idea that was.

I had been promising them for A YEAR that we would go there someday... and today was that very day...


After roaming the Champlaine Mall for over an hour looking for swimming trunks for my two oldest, unbeknownst to me, the meltdown fairy had followed us to Moncton and casted evil spells on my youngest two in Sears...


However, it was ME that just about flogged a lifeguard to death when we finally made it to the YMCA.


We walked onto the pool deck and the trouble began.

Lifeguard said: We were not wearing bathing caps.

I fixed that.

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard said: Haven was not allowed to wear her Water wings. (Dept of Transportation rule?)


I fixed that and put a life jacket on her.

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard said: Kale wasn't allowed in a wading pool for 12 year olds.

I fixed that.

5 minutes later -

Lifeguard said : Haven wasn't allowed in the deep end with her life jacket on.

I fixed that.

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard got after Myles for cuttting through the lane for lane swimmers

5 minutes later-

Lifeguard got after Haven for entering the tot pool without using the stairs.

5 minutes later-

Kale got into trouble for entering the tot pool without using the stairs....


I was losing my compassion by the milisecond....

then it happened...

the unthinkable...


My kids were getting upset and starting to realize how we were being singled out for doing EVERYTHING wrong.

Drew wanted to leave.

I told him not to sneeze wrong or we'd get kicked out for sure...


and then... he got upset at Kale for something... so I told Drew to sit on what i thought was the side of the pool and and calm down, and not word of a lie, 3 minutes later the lifeguard came over and told him he wasn't allowed to sit there...

I started laughing and laughing and said outloud.... "OMG we are NEVER coming back to this pool. It is sooo aweful here."

We got our stuff together and we left....


We RAN out of the building and even Kale was saying, "We are NOT ever going back there ok mommy?"

What a shame too because we had built it up in our heads that it was going to be so fantastic... and then it was such a let down...

They have basically done everything they can to not let kids have fun...

and drive the parents an inch away from the Psychward fairy....


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