Friday, December 21, 2007

3 hrs to go... :)

I figured I would participate in the questions to help the next 3 hrs go by...

1. Where did you begin your 2007?

In the Ocean participating in a polar dip!!!

2. What was your status by Valentines Day?

A separated stay at home, homeshcooling mom to 4 lovely children and a dog...

3. Were you in school (anytime this year)?

In a way, i took Wood Badge 1 to be a Cub Leader.

4. How did you earn your money?

I did some babysitting.

5. Did you have to go to the hospital?

Nope. Unless i was taking a child for "reactive airways"...

6. Did you have any encounters with the police?

Yes, I believe that I was pulled over for speeding in the Industrial Park (I was innocent) and we had an arument. I won. He drove away.

7. Where did you go on vacation?

The Cabin. And Camping in Shediac.

8. What did you purchase that was over a thousand dollars?

???????????????? hahahahahaha

9. Did you know of anybody who got married?

yes... friends of family....

10. Did you know of anybody who passed away?


12. Did you move anywhere?


14. What Concerts/Shows did you go to?

A Bluegrass fundraiser concert for Scouts.

15. Are you registered to vote?


16. Who did you want to win Big Brother?

i have no cable... rub in it... :P

17. Where do you live now?

My possessions reside in Amherst, but my heart lives in Maccan.... :)

(Can you smell the cheeze?)

18. Describe your Birthday?

it is in 3 days... the plan is that my kids and I are going out for Breakfast at the Big stop and then they are heading to digby with their dad... my younger sister is taking me to Duncans for lunch...

19. What is one thing you would never do but did in 2007?

put myself and my happiness first

20. What was your favorite moment?

soo many... but probably watching all my kids play at the beach, taking Drew to the Caves, Haven singing, Kale swimming all by himself in the deep end, and Myles controlling his temper and being proud of himself that he did :)

21. What is something you learned about yourself?

I can face tough times head on... it is hard but it is worth it..

22. Any new Additions to the family?

a neice Danika Grace Wallis

23. What was your best month?

December!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

24. What music will you remember 2007 by?

Brian Melo, Rhianna, The Wii Song, Dave Mathews, and Jeff Wilkins...

25. Who has been your best drinking buddy?

i drink alone ....... one scotch one burbon one beer.... :P ... kidding...

26. Made new friends?

Thankfully i did.... :)

27. New Best Friend?

I have never been one for "best friends"... but Jeff is growing on me... (winkwink)

28. Favorite Night Out?

Watching the meteor shower at Fort Beasijour...

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