Sunday, December 2, 2007

Old Town Canoes X Kayaks...

I needed to laugh.

It has been a rough couple of days...

and then last night, my oldest had me laughing the hardest I have in years.

I had been wearing a new red "Old Town" touque all day and then, when it came time for bed, my oldest son asked to sleep in my bed. He never asks... so of course I said yes.

He was about to crawl in when he said he'd be right back.

I said "No! Get in the bed and go to sleep".

He persisted.

I perisisted.

I told him he wasn't going to go and get a stuffed-animal because he didn't need one.

He said "I am not going to get a stuffed animal."

I was being a fake sort of angry, and said "You are not allowed to sleep with your Pokemon cards either... get in BED!" and then I smiled.

He was standing beside the bed and then said quickly "I'll be right back" and then he ran off through the house. I honestly thought he would come back with a stuffed animal pokemon...

I closed my eyes and was just about asleep when he got into the bed and i could feel him staring at me.

I opened my eyes and there he was with a "scarf-hat" on. I burst out laughing. I had forgotton that i was stilling wearing the hat i had been wearing all day. I haven't laughed that hard in years. He started laughing too and realized how funny he funny was.

It is good to have kids around to remind me to laugh... and not just laugh, but to laugh hard and to laugh loud...


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