Wednesday, November 28, 2007

As deep as the sky...

I have a Malamute that thinks she is a Golden Lab.


She must have been raised the first 4 years of her life with one. The second she sees one, she wants to play with it. As a matter of fact, the other day we went for a walk and Christine Hawkes's dog came through their back yard and started walking with us. Geneva and this dog were playing together. It was fantastic to watch.

We only past one dog this morning when we were out for a walk. A miniature Shelty-looking one. Geneva didn't appear to want to play.


This morning is wonderfully cool out. And back out into it I go.

Drew is going to continue reading "The Golden Compass" today, and I am taking him to Tim Hortans for a snack.

I believe that there is a walnut crunch there with my name on it.


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