Friday, November 2, 2007

What a difference a little Brushetta can make....

I can smell my Breakfast toasting in the oven... the garlic, the green onion...

Brushetta isn't just for lunch and supper anymore. :)

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I am having a much better day today.

I already spent some of this morning repotting my big Spider Plant into 3 smaller ones.

I felt like I had rescued the plant from the clutches of Walmart's uncaring hands.

... unfortuneately I am not very experienced when it comes to plants... but what i lack for in experience, I more than make up for in enthusiasm...

(isn't that line from 50 first dates?)


I have a mucho busy morning... and should get started...

Club Chub at Henri's, swimming, maybe some gymtime, plus the kids are going to be doing some work on the parts of the Spider plants... which we have yet to name...

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